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Harassment and discrimination in the legal profession

Harassment and discrimination in the legal profession | Video

An audience with Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins

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Watch this free on-demand of Australia’s Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Kate Jenkins. In this 45-minute session, the Commissioner will discuss:

  • sexual harassment and discrimination in the legal profession
  • lessons that can be learned from the past
  • challenges facing new practitioners and others
  • opportunities for change in the future

Presented by: Kate Jenkins Sex Discrimination Commissioner

Kate Jenkins became Australia’s Sex Discrimination Commissioner in 2016. She is leading a number of projects at the Australian Human Rights Commission, including the implementation of the findings from her National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces and the Commission’s collaborative project on cultural reform with the Australian Defence Force.

Kate is also Co-Chair of Play by the Rules, a joint project between human rights agencies and sports commissions to make grass roots sports safe, fair and inclusive.