Terms and Conditions – Non-award programs
These Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) apply to all non-award programs of The College of Law Limited (ABN 61 138 459 015) (College of Law), which includes but is not limited to:
On-demand courses - all on-demand CPD and CPD bundles (On-demand Courses) and digital subscriptions of On-demand Courses (Subscriptions) (excluding CPD Interactive).
Live courses and events - Legal Practice Management, Nationally Accredited Mediator Training and Assessment, Notarial Practice Training, Mental Health First Aid Training, Collaborative Practice Training, Non-award Postgraduate Level Short Courses, Professional development events (CPD seminars, webinars, and conferences) and Centre for Legal Innovation events.
When enrolling online in non-award programs of the College of Law, and by ticking the Terms and Conditions box, you agree to the following:
For all programs:
Intellectual Property
All course content remains the copyright of the College of Law or is provided under licence. No course materials may be reproduced, distributed or copied in any form or by any means without the express written permission of the College of Law and/or the relevant copyright owner.
The words “College of Law” are a registered trademark owned by the College of Law. All other trademarks displayed are trademarks of their respective owners. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions should be construed as granting any licence or right of use of any trademark without the express written permission of the College of Law or the relevant trademark owner.
The College of Law collects personal information for registration purposes and distributing information in relation to courses and events, and in improving our services to you. If you require changes to your registration details or you would like to be removed from future mailings, please contact us by phone or 02 9965 7111 or email cpd@collaw.edu.au
View the College’s Privacy Policy and Data Collection Notice for further information.
Content Disclaimer
The opinions expressed by presenters or facilitators are not necessarily those of the College of Law. We are not responsible for the accuracy or correctness of information or opinions offered by presenters at live programs or in recordings of live programs.
All content and information within our non-award programs (live and on-demand) is educational in nature. It is not to be relied upon as a definitive or exhaustive statement of the law or practice and it is not to be taken as legal or professional advice or a substitute for the same. While every effort is made to ensure that our content is up to date and correct at the time of publication, you rely on the content and information at your own risk and we are not liable for any loss of damage arising from any such reliance.
The maximum liability of the College of Law under these terms and conditions for any reason whatsoever arising in contract or tort or any other cause of action is limited to the relevant total course fees paid by the customer, provided that the customer notifies the College of Law of any such cause of action within 30 days of the same being identified by the customer.
Online Delivery
You are responsible for having the necessary equipment, internet connection and applications to access programs with an online delivery component. We are not responsible for your inability to engage with a program due to the failure of your equipment, inability to access certain applications or problems with your internet access/connectivity.
Access to the Customer Portal and Course Information
Customers (individuals or organisations) will be able to view current program entitlements, relevant invoices, and customer account details via the Customer Portal.
Organisations purchasing access to programs for its employees via the website must allocate and remove entitlements from the Customer Portal. Program entitlements may only be allocated to an individual once and are not transferrable, unless otherwise authorised by the College.
Organisations that purchase access to programs and allocate that access to its employees may have access to course attendance/usage/progress information of the individuals to whom access is granted in the Customer Portal or may request such data in its capacity as a customer.
Prices and Special Offers
All prices are in Australian Dollars ($AUD) and inclusive of GST unless otherwise specified.
The College of Law may from time to time makes special offers, including discounts, on certain programs at its discretion and may discontinue the same at any time without notice. Such offers include but are not limited to:
If more than one special offer is available on a particular program/s, only one offer (the offer of the highest value) will apply to a transaction.
All discount codes must be entered at the website shopping cart at the time of purchase. Discounts cannot be retrospectively applied to completed transactions.
Change of Details
If you need to update, correct, or change your contact details please contact us by email at cpd@collaw.edu.au.
CPD points and classifications
Practitioners in all Australian States and Territories except Western Australia
You may only claim CPD points in relation to a program in accordance with the local regulatory requirements of the jurisdiction where you hold your practising certificate. You should confirm your CPD compliance obligations and responsibilities with your local regulator.
CPD category classifications on certain programs (substantive law, professional skills, practice management and business skills and ethics and professional responsibility) are provided as a guide only at the time of publication. The College does not award CPD points, report CPD compliance or accredit programs for CPD points, except in Western Australia.
Western Australian Practitioners only
The College of Law is a QA provider of CPD in Western Australia. CPD points are available to WA practitioners for select live programs and events only.
The Activity Report to the Legal Practice Board of Western Australia is not currently available for On-demand or Subscription purchases. WA practitioners may purchase On-demand or Subscription products but completions will not be reported by the College of Law to the Legal Practice Board of Western Australia and therefore you will not be able to claim CPD points in WA for these programs.
WA practitioners are advised to check whether CPD points are available for a live program prior to enrolment/purchase and to follow any directions given at, before or after the event, to ensure that participation is recorded and reported in accordance with the requirements of the Legal Practice Board of Western Australia.
By enrolling in a program that is available to WA practitioners for the purposes of claiming CPD points, you consent to us providing information (including but not limited to personal information such as your name, Practitioner ID, contact details and program attendance/completion data) to the Legal Practice Board of Western Australia. You are responsible for providing the College with your WA Practitioner ID. If for any reason you do not wish for your program completion data to be reported, please contact us by email at cpd@collaw.edu.au in advance of the course.
The College of Law is not liable for a failure on your part to meet your CPD obligations due to your inability to access On-Demand Courses or any online applications used to deliver programs, your failure to pay attention to the relevant time zone of courses delivered online, or any other reason.
Payment terms and allocation of places in courses
For individual customers, payment is due at the time of purchase via the website and your place in the course or courses will be automatically allocated upon payment.
Organisations that elect to receive an invoice for an order must pay the invoice at least 7 days’ before the start date of the course, or immediately if the order is placed within 7 days of the start date. Places in courses are not secured until we have received payment of your invoice, and you have allocated the places to your learners/participants in the Customer Portal.
In the case of Live Courses and Events, if you fail to pay your invoice before the course start date, your order will be cancelled. If you have paid the invoice or paid at the time of purchase but have not allocated your places in the course via the Customer Portal before the course start date, your place/s will be transferred to the next course intake (if available). If you do not allocate your places in the next course intake, your order will be cancelled, and you will not be entitled to a refund.
In the case of On-Demand Courses, access will be granted when we have received payment of your invoice. If you do not pay your invoice within 90 days, your order will be cancelled. If you have paid your invoice or paid at the time of purchase, you must allocate your places in the course/s via the Customer Portal within 12 months, after which time your order will be cancelled and you will not be entitled to a refund.
For On-Demand Courses:
Cancellations and Refunds
Refunds are not available for On-demand Courses or Subscriptions.
Following successful payment, you will receive an electronic communication with details of how to access your On-demand Course or Subscription. Access will ordinarily be provided within 2 hours of purchase.
You will retain access for 12 months from the date of purchase for all on-demand products. Subscription products are subject to automatic renewal after 12 months (Subscription Term). On-demand single courses and bundle courses are not subject to automatic renewal.
Online access to course content may be temporarily disrupted from time-to-time due to platform maintenance or other such issues.
Managing your Subscription
At the end of your Subscription Term, your Subscription will automatically renew on the Renewal Date.
We will give you notice by electronic communication of your upcoming subscription Renewal Date. If the price of the subscription product/s has increased during your access period, we will inform you of the price increase by electronic communication and the renewal will take place at the new price.
If you purchased a Subscription at a discounted rate under a special offer, your Subscription will renew at the product’s full price as at the Renewal Date.
You can cancel your Subscription at any time up to 30 days before the Renewal Date. If you do so, your Subscription will not renew on the Renewal Date, you will not be charged for a further Subscription Term and you will lose access to the subscription on or after the Renewal Date.
You can cancel your Subscription by giving us notice in writing to cpd@collaw.edu.au.
Changes to Content
We will not make changes to On-demand Courses once they have been purchased. If there is a significant change to the subject matter because of a legal or other development, it will not be updated within the On-demand Course if that change occurs after the date of purchase.
We reserve the right to make changes to content within a Subscription. This may include but is not limited to:
Subscription Guarantee
At any given time, we will ensure that your Subscription has a minimum of fifty (50) hours of learning content, across different formats, and covering the mandatory CPD areas of substantive law, professional skills, practice management and business skills and ethics and professional responsibility.
CPD Tracking
You can track the completion of your On-demand Course and courses within a Subscription within our learning management system. This will tell you how many hours you have completed for the purposes of your CPD compliance. We do not issue Certificates of Completion for CPD.
Acceptable Use
All On-demand Courses and Subscriptions are for personal, individual use and must not be shared. Accordingly, individuals must not share personal access details with other persons.
If you are an organisation, the On-demand Courses or Subscription must only be used for your internal purposes and accessed by nominated users, for whom you have purchased access on a per-person basis.
For Live Courses and Events:
Withdrawals, Transfers and Refunds
You are eligible for a full refund of the course fee if you withdraw no later than 7 days prior to the course start date.
A cancellation/transfer fee will apply for any withdrawals or transfers between course intakes (if available) within 7 days of the course start date as follows (including GST)
Professional development events $100
Mental Health First Aid $100
NMAS Training and Assessment $400
Legal Practice Management and all other Short Courses $250
No refunds are available on or after the course start date, or in the case of live webinars once the course materials have been supplied on the day before the webinar. No refunds are available after an enrolment is transferred as set out below.
If you are unable to attend the course in which you have enrolled and you wish to transfer your enrolment to a future intake of the course (if available), you are permitted to do so on one occasion. The cancellation/transfer fee will apply if such a request is made within 7 days of the course start date. Any further course transfer requests will be at the discretion of the College of Law and only granted in cases of serious illness or misadventure, supported by documentary evidence.
Once an enrolment is transferred, you forfeit any right to a refund of the course fees. If you cannot commit to the course dates of a future intake, we recommend that you opt for a refund instead of a transfer. You may repurchase at any time via out website.
You are not permitted to transfer your course enrolment/s to another person.
Per person pricing
All pricing is displayed on per person basis unless otherwise specified. In the case of online courses, you are not permitted to purchase a single enrolment and share the videoconference details or broadcast the content to other persons. Unauthorised course attendees will be removed from the event or required to make payment in full immediately.
Please contact us in advance of a course or event if you have any questions about enrolling multiple attendees in a course.
Assessment resit fees
Please refer to the relevant Program Manual for the applicable fees for re-sitting an assessment task. Unless otherwise specified, the following re-sit fees apply:
Notarial Practice Assessment Resit $550
National Mediation Assessment $880
Time Zones
You are responsible for checking the relevant attendance times and the time zone of programs at or before enrolment. Refunds will not be issued in relation to a failure to take note of attendance times when accessing live events hosted from different time zone.
Additional terms and conditions
Additional terms and conditions apply for certain courses or events as set out below.
In addition to these Terms and Conditions, you also agree to the terms and conditions set out in the Program manual relevant to your course:
If you fail to complete the Legal Practice Management Course within 12 months of your original course start date, you must re-enrol and pay for the course in full to progress.
QLD only – The QLD LPMC course is open to all Australian lawyers. Under the Legal Professional Act 2007, a lawyer is a person who is admitted to the legal profession under the Act or a corresponding law. By enrolling, you declare that you are an Australian lawyer, that you are eligible to attend the course and you are not operating under any exclusion from undertaking a Practice Management Course for any length of time.
In addition to these Terms and Conditions, you also agree to the terms and conditions set out in the NMAS Training and Assessment Course Manual available here.
In addition to these Terms and Conditions, you also agree to the terms and conditions set out in the Program Manual made available to you before enrolment.
No refunds are available for this course once you have been granted access to the Mental Health First Aid Australia eLearning platform.
If you do not complete the eLearning component prior to attending the workshop, the College of Law may withdraw you from the workshop and apply the withdrawal/transfer fee.
If you access the eLearning but subsequently transfer to a future workshop, the transfer fee of $100 will be applied if your eLearning access expires during the intervening period.
If you withdraw before the end of Week 3, you are eligible for a refund of 50% of the course fee. No refunds are available after Week 3.
These courses consist of self-paced online study, practical activities, online discussion forums and interactive video conference sessions. We recommend that you allow up to 10 hours study time per week.
If you choose to do the assessments, we recommend that you allow a minimum of 45 additional hours for preparation and completion.
Completion of the assessment tasks will be governed by the relevant parts of the Post Graduate Program Manual and the Academic Conduct Policy.
Videoconference access details will be provided for live webinars before the close of business on the day before the event.
All enrolments are to attend the live event on the day and at the time advertised. Unless otherwise specified, recordings of live webinars and events are not available to event attendees.
For further information relating to Centre for Legal Innovation events please visit the Centre website.
Cancellation/variation of programs
We reserve the right to cancel, reschedule or modify live events and courses and to change speakers or revise content when circumstances require us to do so. We will endeavour to offer suitable alternatives. You will be eligible for a refund of the relevant course fees if a suitable alternative is not available.