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Powerful career advice from Suet Koon Lai on how to progress your legal career
24 October 2022

Powerful career advice from Suet Koon Lai on how to progress your legal career

Published on 24 October 2022

Lawyer Suet Koon Lai (‘Koon’) never imagined, in her early career, that her law degree would take her to roles as diverse as Blockchain Program Manager or Transformation Program Director with PwC. Based in Sydney, Koon, a mother of three, recently hit her ‘FIRE’ goals (Financial Independence, Retire Early), which freed her to be an Executive & Leadership Coach, a role she had effectively been doing as part of her various senior leadership roles. Koon now coaches senior and aspiring leaders from various organisations, including NAB, Macquarie Bank, Honda and PwC to elevate their leadership capabilities www.careerhackwithkoon.com

We caught up with Koon to find out her key career insights, advice and highlights to progress your legal career.

It’s OK not to know what you want for your career

Koon’s career has been many and varied. She started her career as a lawyer, then progressed to auditor, business process manager, blockchain program manager, senior manager of an offshore delivery center, Alternative Delivery Model Transformation Director, Finance Transformation Director, LinkedIn content creator, and most recently, an Executive Coach.

“If you had told me when I graduated from Commerce/Law that this would be my career path, I would have told you, this is madness, it’s impossible!” declared Koon.

Reflecting on her illustrious, non-linear career, Koon observed:

“It is OK not to know what you want for your career. The early stages are like shopping for clothes. We don't know what will fit until we try it on. With each role we take on, we learn what we don’t want to do and we learn new skills that take us to our next step. And in the end we will get to where we were always meant to be.”

Why ‘just get out of your comfort zone!’ is the worst career advice

Koon said the worst career advice she has ever received is that she should get out of her ‘comfort zone.’

“It tipped me over the edge,” said Koon. “Each day, I was filled with imposter syndrome. I felt anxious, as if I had no idea what I was doing, but still felt there was an expectation I should know. So I put on a facade that I was in control of the situation, but inside I was falling apart.”

Rather than the classically advocated approach of ‘fake it ‘til you make it’, Koon counsels a more effective, sensible path forward.

“Instead of ‘getting out of your comfort zone’, I found what worked far better was simply expanding your comfort zone. Lean on your strengths 80% of the time, and expand on the remaining 20%. Over time, the 20% will become a strength and enable the expansion of another 20%. Repeat this many times over and the growth is exponential because it is grounded in strength and therefore confidence.”

Five tips to get ahead in the law, wherever you are in your career

Throughout her career as a lawyer and executive coach, Koon has seen every way lawyers can progress their careers - including what not to do. Here are her five top tips to progress your legal career.

  1. Sponsorship: “Most people know the importance of mentors. Instead I would highlight the need for finding ‘sponsors’. Sponsors are people in positions of influence who speak for us, open doors and lift us up. Many decisions on opportunities are made when we are not in the room. Identify potential sponsors and give them reasons to use their personal capital for you.”
  2. Relationship: “Your relationships with clients and your fellow co-workers are key. Even if they are, at present, juniors to you. As you progress, so will they. Nurture relationships with sincerity and depth beyond the $. People do business with people.”
  3. The 3Ps: “When we do what we really care about, that is Passion. When we do it to help others, that is Purpose. When Passion and Purpose are combined, we are the best that we can be, and thus unlock our peak Performance.”
  4. Who you report to matters: “They say people don't leave companies, they leave managers. That is true. Work with people who value and appreciate you. How do you know who this is? They will show you in their actions. Remember that you always have a choice of who you work with. So choose carefully.”
  5. Invest in yourself: “High performance culture amongst highly competitive peers coupled with the weight of expectation can take its toll. Lawyers are increasingly engaging executive coaches as an investment in themselves, a proven path to help build a sustainable and fulfilling career. Find a coach that you have chemistry with and you feel safe to share your inner thoughts.”