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How Jess Grumelart found her calling in an LLM community of family lawyers
15 October 2021

Meet Jess Grumelart, who studied an LLM to help her upskill and find connections in family law

Published on 15 October 2021

Jess Grumelart didn’t always know how she might become a family lawyer. She started her career in another area of law entirely, first as a paralegal, then as a graduate. When she realised it wasn’t an area of practice she wanted to stay in long term, she began to explore options to field test other areas of law - which led her, via a friend’s recommendation, to The College of Law’s LLM in Applied Law (Family Law). 

Insights spoke to Jess about her road to family law, how her LLM helped her connect to a community of supportive family lawyers, and what advice she might have for lawyers wondering how to steer their legal career in a direction more aligned with their interests and passions.

Family law is important and impactful work

Jess is a solicitor with DA Family Lawyers.

“I work exclusively in family law, helping people divide up their assets and negotiate time with their children when they separate,” explained Jess. “It is an incredibly challenging and rewarding area of law. We help people during the most trying times of their lives. Our work is important and impactful, which is equally motivating and terrifying.” 

It’s the personal nature of family law that makes the stakes seem so high, and the work so rewarding.

“When a client’s matter is complete, they move onto the next big chapter of their life,” said Jess. “It might not look like they planned, and that can be frightening, but it is so exciting to see new opportunities forming for your clients following such a challenging time in their life. It doesn’t happen straight away, but many of our clients find happiness after separation and being able to help them through the tough times is incredibly rewarding. My favourite emails are those we get a little while after a client leaves us – they sometimes include pictures of new homes or smiling children. It’s incredibly special.” 

Pick your legal passions - and go from there

Early on, Jess knew she loved books and reading, and was a keen high school debater.

“Naturally, I was argumentative at home,” she admits. She was drawn to law by its potential to help people.

“Applying and interpreting the law felt like an important way to do that,” she said.

However, after graduation, she worked in another area of law.

“I couldn’t see myself in that area long term,” said Jess. “I knew I wanted to move into the area of family law, but it meant taking a step back essentially. I would be back in a graduate position with no expertise in family law.”

“Completing the LLM program meant I could catapult my knowledge in this specialist area, so I signed up. It really did allow me to play catch up in terms of my expertise in this field! I’m nearly three years PAE now and feel my knowledge in family law is exactly where it needs to be.”

For lawyers wondering how to find their calling in law, Jess suggested starting with the basics - what do you like?

“Pick an area you are passionate about!” said Jess. “If my move to a different area taught me anything, it is to back yourself and make the change you feel you need ASAP. The longer you wait, the harder it will be. Also, don’t feel embarrassed to go back over the basics; my undergrad family law course felt like a lifetime ago. Be curious and be courageous! Reach out to those in your class. I follow a big chunk of my cohort on Instagram and Linkedin!”

Building confidence and connections

Jess found her LLM has helped her in two key ways: building her confidence in family law and helping her make some fantastic connections in the field.

“I feel incredibly fortunate to have stepped into a legal community I wasn’t sure would exist for me,” said Jess. “I am not from Brisbane, and I am certainly not from a family of lawyers. I enrolled in the LLM at The College of Law because of a friendly face at a networking event at a time when I desperately wanted to upskill in a postgraduate program but was seeing, again and again, corporate curricula.”

“A now very good friend in a very pink skirt told me about the College of Law program. It was the perfect fit for what I was searching for. Instantly, I had a study buddy and a course to look forward to! Since then, I have met a number of other family lawyers, largely by virtual means, who have helped me in so many ways - from nominating me on committees, to taking notes when I am in court and can’t make a tutorial, to simply celebrating with me the little wins we experience in each course we complete. The LLM has solidified my knowledge that I am in the right community to support me in this, at times, very challenging career.” 

Jess was also supported by the two female directors of her law firm, DA Family Lawyers.

“Both our female directors are known for their expertise in family law,” said Jess. “There is something really special about working for a firm that has such incredibly strong and kind leaders. Both have a wealth of knowledge that they always make time to share with me. I am incredibly fortunate to work with a supportive team.”

Learn more about our LLM in Applied Law (Family Law) or our other postgraduate specialisation programs.