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05 June 2017

Graduates, prize winners honoured at Autumn 2017 Academic Awards Ceremony

Published on 05 June 2017

The College of Law was proud to formally recognise graduates of its Postgraduate Applied Law Programs at the Autumn 2017 Academic Awards Ceremony on 29 May 2017 at the Strangers Dining Room in Parliament House, Sydney.

At its largest ceremony ever, 147 graduates of the Postgraduate Applied Law Programs were conferred their degrees and diplomas. These awards included the LLM (Applied Law), Master of Applied Law (Family Law) and Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution Practice (FDRP).

Jodie Baker, Advisory Board Co-Chair, Centre for Legal Innovation, The College of Law and Managing Director, Xakia Technologies, gave the keynote address for the evening. 

The following graduates were recognised as Autumn 2017 Prize winners:

Selina Nikoloudakis
Winner of the Mills Oakley-Sandra Paul Memorial Best Graduating Student Prize – Master of Laws (Applied Law) majoring in Family Law

The prize was presented by Michael Paul, Special Counsel, Mills Oakley

This prize has been generously donated by the Paul family in the name the late Sandra Paul, a well-known and respected family lawyer. Sandra Paul was admitted to practice in 1984 after obtaining a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of New South Wales. Sandra worked principally in family law – first as a Senior Associate at law firm Clayton Utz before commencing a partnership practice with the firm that is was known as Paul & Paul Lawyers, now part of Mills Oakley Lawyers. Sandra was known for her dedication to the law and her commitment to family law.

Angela Harry
Winner of the de Groots Best Graduating Student Prize – Master of Laws (Applied Law) majoring in Wills & Estates

The prize was presented by Phillip McGowan, Director, de Groots Sydney.

de Groots is a specialist law firm, established in 1986, that focuses exclusively on the areas of estate planning, estate administration and estate litigation. With lawyers in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, they provide services to private clients throughout Australia and overseas.It is a great privilege to have a specialist firm such as de Groots, to support this exclusive prize.

Helen Amanatiadis
Winner of the SRM Lawyers Best Graduating Student Prize – Master of Laws (Applied Law) majoring in Commercial Litigation

The prize was presented by Renee Stevens, Senior Lawyer, SRM Lawyers.

SRM Lawyers is a specialist commercial, litigation and insolvency firm in Sydney, whose clients include financial institutions, large and small corporations, accountants, liquidators, bankruptcy trustees and individuals. As well as advising on issues relating to insolvency recoveries and administrations, SRM provides advice on all aspects of commercial agreements and disputes. The firm’s Renee Stevens is an Accredited Specialist in Commercial Litigation with the Law Society of NSW and is a member of the Specialist Accreditation Commercial Litigation Advisory Committee.  

Sophie Cohen
Winner of the STEP Best Student Prize in Estate Planning

The prize was presented by Peter Bobbin, Managing Principal, Argyle Lawyers.

STEP is a worldwide professional association for those advising families across generations.      

With over 20,000 members across 95 countries, STEP has a fast-growing presence in Australia.

The College of Law is honoured to be working alongside STEP to help further expand this presence. All graduates of the Masters of Applied Law - Wills & Estates can join STEP as a Full Member.

View more photos from the evening here