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23 results showing for '[]'

Changes to Mediator Accreditation: What You Need To Know with Linda Kochanski AM

Changes to Mediator Accreditation: What You Need To Know with Linda Kochanski AM

Linda Kochanski AM is a key figure in the transition from the National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS) to the Australian Mediator and Dispute Resolution Accreditation Standards (AMDRAS). Linda sheds light on these significant accreditation changes and Jeffrey Roth, Head of Short Courses at the College, discusses the new Lawyer Mediation Accreditation (LMA) Scheme recently announced by the Law Society of NSW.

South Australia has a new Succession Act. Here’s what you need to know.

South Australia has a new Succession Act. Here’s what you need to know.

  Major reforms to South Australia’s succession laws came into force on 1 January 2025. The new year saw the repeal of three Acts (the Administration and Probate Act 1919 (SA), the Inheritance (Family Provision) Act 1972 (SA) and the Wills Act 1936 (SA)), replacing these with a single Succession Act 2023. These are the most significant changes to be made in 30 years, Lawyer Megan Horsell outlines what you need to know.    

What you need to know about the Family Law Amendment Act 2024

What you need to know about the Family Law Amendment Act 2024

The Family Law Amendment Act 2024 received Royal Assent on 10 December 2024. These amendments are a result of recommendations made by the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, the Australian Law Reform Commission’s review of the family law system as well as feedback from stakeholders. These recommendations include changes to provisions concerning companion animals, taking a less adversarial approach, disclosure, divorce, protected confidences, and costs orders.

Freezing orders or interlocutory injunctions in TFMs with Tasman Fleming

Freezing orders or interlocutory injunctions in TFMs with Tasman Fleming

Tasman Ash Fleming, a barrister and accredited mediator (NMAS), highlights the importance of considering what is the purpose of the order sought. This article looks at the recent decision in Re Estate of Hagendorfer (Injunction) [2024] VSC 482 (‘Hagendorfer’) and addresses potential risks and provides guidance for practitioners to mitigate these risks.

Property settlements, pets and children’s arrangements in the Family Law Amendment Bill 2024

Property settlements, pets and children’s arrangements in the Family Law Amendment Bill 2024

Following a series of reviews of the family law system, on 22 August 2024 the Australian Government introduced the Family Law Amendment Bill 2024 into the Commonwealth Parliament. The Bill sets out very significant amendments, including those relating to property settlements, pet custody and children’s arrangements, which aim to modernise and improve the family law system in Australia.

Family Law Amendment Bill 2024 aims to simplify Financial Division and strengthen protection for Domestic Violence Victims

Family Law Amendment Bill 2024 aims to simplify Financial Division and strengthen protection for Domestic Violence Victims

The Family Law Amendment Bill 2024 seeks to modernise and improve Australia's family law system, focusing on the key areas of property division and family violence. According to Commonwealth Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus KC, these reforms are intended “to make the division of property and finances safer, simpler, and fairer for separating families, especially where family violence is present.

How to handle Direct Speech after Gan v Xie [2023] NSWCA 163

How to handle Direct Speech after Gan v Xie [2023] NSWCA 163

A recent case before the New South Wales Court of Appeal, Gan v Xie [2023] NSWCA 163, resurfaced issues regarding direct speech, and how it ought to appear in an affidavit. Barrister Jonathan Tsang, a College of Law graduate, spoke to us about the key implications following this decision, and what lawyers need to know moving forward.

Top 10 Most Influential Court Cases of the 21st Century

Top 10 Most Influential Court Cases of the 21st Century

Nothing captures the public’s imagination quite like a great court case. From Trump’s declaration that he is a “very innocent person” to Bruce Lehrmann’s defamation-chasing criminal trial, watching people have their day in court is oddly compelling. The College decided it was high time we looked at the headline-making trials from the 21st century and the flow-on effects these rulings had. Here are the top ten court cases that have held Australia’s collective attention.

Amendments to the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (Qld)

Amendments to the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (Qld)

The REIQ contract for houses and residential land and REIQ contract for residential lots in a community title scheme have been amended as of 7 June 2024. Tara Cush, lecturer at the College of Law Queensland, provides an overview of how these amendments will impact REIQ contracts. 

8 facts about Anzac Day

8 facts about Anzac Day

April 25 each year our nation pauses to remember the courage and sacrifice displayed by the ANZAC forces at Gallipoli. Here we delve into eight facts about ANZAC Day.

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