After 50 years, we look back at the College that’s forever looking forward. Since opening our doors, we’ve been perpetually posing the question: ‘Where's Next?’. Today, with over 400 staff across Australia and New Zealand, and more than 100,000 of our graduates working across all facets of the industry, we’re still asking the same question.
Where’s next for the College? Where’s next for the industry?
But most importantly, Where’s next for our students and alumni?
Because our success is not defined by the age of our walls, it’s measured by the limitless potential of our students within them, and the incredible achievements of our alumni beyond them. Amongst the thousands of individuals that walk through our doors each year, no two are alike. And with this understanding we continue our commitment to provide innovative, flexible, practice-focused education and training for everybody, and every journey.
The College of Law New South Wales started in the early 1970s, with a mission to replace the outdated education system at the time, and break down the barriers of entry.
Amongst a post-WWII push for reform, economic growth and demographic shifts, the initiative was led by a group of forward-thinking leaders, and supported by funds from solicitors’ trust accounts.
The project involved careful planning, including curriculum development, legal changes, staffing and logistics.
Its 24-week, full-time Practical Legal Training opened up a new pathway for law graduates to become solicitors, along with a comprehensive and continued legal education program for practicing professionals. To this day, the College of Law NSW is a successful and important player for Australia’s legal education system, welcoming new generations of students with a broad range of backgrounds, and fortifying the skills of those already in the field.
Since opening our doors, the College of Law has seen some incredible changes in legal history, and society. In the 70s we saw The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 take a step in the right direction for all Australians. In the 80s we saw strengthened environmental regulations and economic reforms. In the 90s we saw the gun laws and the implementation of GST. And in the last 20 years we’ve seen new digital privacy laws, multiple royal commissions, and the 2023 referendum. Today, we aim our sights at the future, championing our newest students and our brightest alumni to set the stage for change in Australia, and around the world.
College of Law New South Wales established
College of Law New Zealand was established PLT program launched in the ACT
College of Law Queensland established College of Law Victoria established
College of Law Western Australia established
Master of Applied Law Programs launched in Australia
College of Law awarded self-accrediting authority College of Law South Australia established
PLT program launched in the Northern Territory The College of Law Asia was established
Centre for Legal Innovation founded
Acquisition of CPD Interactive
College of Legal Practice UK was established
ACT PLT program accredited by the ACT Legal Practitioners Admissions Board