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How to work with Neurodivergent Clients: Strategies for Lawyers

How to work with Neurodivergent Clients: Strategies for Lawyers

Working with neurodivergent clients can present unique complexities. From communication barriers to navigating sensory sensitivities, lawyers must possess a specialised skill set to effectively represent these individuals. The College delves into proven strategies that build trust and foster clear communication with Kathryn Schuck, Principal of Inclusive Family Law and Mediation.

Top 10 Most Influential Court Cases of the 21st Century

Top 10 Most Influential Court Cases of the 21st Century

Nothing captures the public’s imagination quite like a great court case. From Trump’s declaration that he is a “very innocent person” to Bruce Lehrmann’s defamation-chasing criminal trial, watching people have their day in court is oddly compelling. The College decided it was high time we looked at the headline-making trials from the 21st century and the flow-on effects these rulings had. Here are the top ten court cases that have held Australia’s collective attention.

Navigating Age Discrimination in the Law with Tilé Imo

Navigating Age Discrimination in the Law with Tilé Imo

Bias and age-based discrimination remains an issue in the workforce, despite legal protections. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of age bias claims with Tilé Imo, Associate Director of Caxton Legal Centre. We explore the evolving legal landscape, effective strategies for litigating age discrimination cases, and the emerging trends that lawyers need to be aware of to best serve their clients.

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